Next Steps Team

Who are we?

We are a team of two clergy and five laity who meet regularly to help Auburn UMC’s ministries live out our values and work towards our vision and mission. The Next Steps Team is Cory Smith, Kelli Hitchman-Craig, Kevin Duvall, Barbara Helms, Steve Malandro, Joe Davis, and Laurie Moore.

What are we doing?

The Next Steps Team is working on a Mission Action Plan (MAP). The MAP will guide the next steps of Auburn UMC by providing framework and common language for future ministries and projects.

The team has worked together to create the following statements for Auburn UMC:

Auburn United Methodist Church exists to love God, love neighbor, and make passionate disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 22:37-39)

If we fulfill our Mission, then we will see a church community helping people follow Jesus and love one another (Acts 2:42).


Love and Grace

We strive to reflect Christ-likeness and maintain our Wesleyan tradition by loving and accepting all people and extending the same grace to others that God extends to us. We pray that when we reflect love and grace with humble, authentic attitudes it will lead others to receive the hope and peace Jesus offers (Matthew 6:9-10; Mark 12:30-31).

Christ-Centered Community

We extend a gracious welcome to all in our community and all who come to our church and invite them to become a part of our community of disciples. We seek out opportunities for people to bear one another’s burdens and cultivate authentic relationships (Mark 16:15; 1 Corinthians 12:27).

Whole Life Discipleship

We believe discipleship is a lifelong journey and strive for effective ministry to all ages and every stage of life. We actively foster a multi-generational church that pursues Christ together. By jointly growing in God’s grace and love, we become stronger disciples and gain strength to face life’s challenges alongside one another (Ephesians 5:1-2).

Joyful Generosity and Service

We willingly align our priorities to express the extravagance of God and to impact the lives of others. We joyfully give our time, talents, and resources to connect others with God’s grace-filled community. We pray God will use our gifts to transform the lives of those around us (1 Corinthians 11:1; Matthew 25:40).


How are we doing it?

The below system steps and strategies will allow us to reach our vision and objectives:

  1. ENGAGE: Ministries that show the love and hope of Jesus outside the walls of the church for the purpose of connecting people to our Christ-centered community.
  2. RELATE: Ministries that welcome and encourage people into our Christ-centered community through relationships with Jesus and the church.
  3. GROW: Ministries that equip others on the journey toward becoming more like Jesus.
  4. GO: Ministries that focus on discovering places, developing partnerships, and discipling people together into flourishing community.