Stewardship 2025

At Auburn UMC, we are grateful, joyful, faithful, and generous!

Join us in making 2025 our best year yet! We ask that you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to support the mission and ministries of Auburn United Methodist Church in 2025.
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In this season of growth, God is helping us build our congregation into a stronger and more generous place than ever...
But only with the love, support, and commitment from every single member of our church.
Together, we look forward to continuing to be the church that helps people--at our corner of Magnolia and Gay, in our community, and across the world.
Will you join us?

Joyful Generosity and Service guide all that we do at Auburn UMC!

Start your generosity journey now.

Create an Estimate of Giving

Create an Estimate of Giving, which helps the church plan for mission and ministry in 2025.

Give Today

Give today to support Auburn UMC!

I Commit to Serve and Pray

Service and prayer are important gifts that you can give to the church!

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” - Matthew 22:37-39

We are a people created for joy and celebration! In this season of growth and renewal, it’s time for us to tell our story...
And we need your help to do it!

The love, support, and commitment of every member is what allows us to live out our calling, tell our story, and love our community.
This October, let’s be grateful, joyful, faithful, and generous as we look to the year ahead.

When you walk into Auburn United Methodist Church, you will see:
● Dynamic, intergenerational worship
● Spiritual growth and revival
● Whole-life discipleship
● Children experiencing the love of Jesus in a safe, welcoming environment
● Students worshiping, serving, and growing alongside one another
● Musicians of all ages and abilities developing and sharing their gifts
● Intentional, inclusive friendships being cultivated
● Our Good News Center transforming lives, restoring relationships, and helping our community flourish
● Sta and volunteers oering whole-life compassionate care

Operating costs for 2025 are budgeted at $2.5 million. Our primary areas of focus include:
● Programming and outreach
● Ministries for all ages and stages
● The Good News Center
● Relief aid after disasters
● International mission trips
● Church operations and staffing
● Caring for our historic campus

As we live into where God calls us, we need both your prayers and your faithful financial support. At Auburn UMC, we’re here to serve God and our neighbors – but we can’t do this work without you.

We see giving as a privilege – one that we hope every single member of our church participates in with love and joy in their hearts.
To unite our congregation and fully fund our operations in the coming year, we’re asking you and every member to contribute to the best of your ability.
Together, let’s see what God can do through us.

“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16

Thank you for helping us build a culture of joyful generosity!