Applications are not yet available. We expect to open applications by June 1, 2025. Check back here for more updates.

Frequently Asked Questions
We don’t know for sure but we think it will be June 1st.
People in Lee County who are literally homeless – sleeping outside or in a place not meant for habitation like a car or unfinished storage shed.
Maybe. If you can prove that you are financially incapable of paying for your hotel room, you could be eligible. This would require providing us bank or financial statements and receipts from the hotel.
A job or a certain income level is not required to be eligible. However, getting a job or increasing your income will likely be part of the housing plan you develop with our case manager.
Yes. A past eviction or history of substance abuse does NOT make you in-eligible. However, past evictions or substance abuse will likely be a barrier to obtaining housing. Overcoming this barrier will be part of your housing plan. Legal assistance may be available to help if needed.
No. You do not have to participate in any form of religious activity or agree to any religious beliefs at any point. As a federally funded project, this ministry must follow all federal anti-discrimination laws which ban religious discrimination.
Rapid re-housing has 3 parts:
- Our case manager will meet with you to make a plan for maintaining your own housing. This will involve helping you connect with organizations that can support you or helping you find a job or get a better job. They will meet with you regularly to help you work towards your plan.
- Our outreach worker will help search for housing options that are available and affordable for you.
- We will provide move-in costs like the security deposit, first month’s rent, and utility deposits. We may be able to help with rent for a few more months depending on your situation.
Our goal is for you to be housed within 30 days of our first meeting, but the actual wait time will change from person to person. It depends on your motivation & level of participation, your income, your rental history, and what housing is available in our area at the time you get started.
No. Our funding does not provide for hotel vouchers.
In a typical apartment that is affordable and available somewhere in Lee County. We will work to find a few options for you to choose from. You will choose where you live but there are limits to what we can offer. We must abide by rent limits so not every available apartment will be an option for you. We want you to move into a place that you can afford.
Yes! You are encouraged to participate in the process as much as possible. You are welcome to locate your own apartment and negotiate with the landlord in coordination with our team. However, we do have limits on the amount of rent the landlord can charge so be sure you know what the limits are.
No, we will help you find an available and affordable apartment, provide move-in financial assistance, and help you on your housing plan but you will be signing a lease in your own name with a landlord.
Our case manager continues to meet with you for several months to ensure you are making the connections you need to fulfill your housing plan and maintain your housing.