Cost of Poverty Experience
March 23 @ 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Step into someone else’s shoes and take on the daily challenges of living in material poverty. The Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) is a highly interactive group activity that allows you to expand your understanding of people who live in material poverty. This enjoyable learning opportunity will leave you a more compassionate, empathetic follower of Jesus.
While there is no single quick solution for our 33,000 neighbors in Lee County living in poverty, Auburn UMC strives to live as a church that helps people. We believe our church is being led to build on this legacy of serving the poor by asking: What would it look like to not only offer help to those struggling in our community, but to walk alongside them as compassionate friends?
On Sunday, March 23 from 12-3pm, we will begin answering that question with a Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE). Registration is $10/person and includes lunch. Will you join us to expand your view of poverty and walk a mile in someone else’s shoes?
This is a great activity for individuals, students, couples, classes, small groups, or families (age 12 and up recommended). Any current or prospective mission & outreach ministry volunteers or team members are highly encouraged to attend!
A sandwich lunch is being provided along with childcare (be sure to mark this on the registration form). Cost is $10 per person.
Contact Joe Davis at [email protected] or 334-826-8800 x249 with any questions.